Voucher Workflows

Workflows > Endpoints > Voucher Workflows

Endpoints for integrating with the voucher and journal entry workflow.


Journal Entry Voucher

Service for adding vouchers to the journal entry view in Go, to be further handled by users in Go before the vouchers are posted.


Voucher Approval *

Service for retrieving information on journal entry voucher drafts sent to the integration for handling, and posting back an approval state to Go for the given vouchers, for further handling or posting of the voucher in Go.

* Specialized workflow, contact the api team to discuss your usecase(s) and to get access.

Voucher Posting *

Endpoints for directly creating and posting vouchers to Go, bypassing the journal entry workflow*

* Restrictions of use may apply, depending on the use cases.


Voucher Documentation

Endpoints for retrieving the documentation files of vouchers
