
Workflows > Endpoints > Dimension Entities > Products

Purpose: Retrieve or update product details.

These endpoints are typically used in conjunction with the workflow of transferring sales orders, but might also be relevant for WMS systems or other external systems needing to retreive from or create products in Go.

Note that product as a dimension, are comparable to the other dimensions in terms of the simple usage of setting a dimension on transactions (not limited to sales). However, the product object contain many fields and different setup's, primarily related to sales order workflows. This is described in separate articles linked below under related workflows.

If used in conjunction with transferring sales orders, take special note of the sales accounts functionality described here.

Regardless of the direction of the data flow (ie creating products in Go or retreiving products from Go), we highly recommend that the integrating party store the Id's of the PowerOffice objects. In general, the id's of all the various PowerOffice entities are the preferred mapping key, as they are uniquely assigned by the system and cannot be changed.


Description of the core flows:


Synchronize to Go:

  1. Check whether the product object already exists in Go

  2. Create or update information

Synchronize from Go

  1. Check if there are any new or newly updated products in Go

  2. Retrieve the desired fields and information

Product groups:

Synchronize to Go:

  1. Check whether the product group object already exists in Go

  2. Create or update information

Synchronize from Go

  1. Check if there are any new or newly updated product groups in Go

  2. Retrieve the desired fields and information

Retriving detailed changes in stock on hand:

Go does not offer any detailed WMS functionality, but for products defines as stock items, it is possible to keep the stock on hand updated at the product level. Although not a "common" worklow, any integration that have a usecase where there is aneed to keep track of the changes in stock for products in Go, can do so using the endpoint for product stock entries:

  1. Check if there are any new stock entries

  2. Retreive the desired fields and information

The returned entries will provde information on the "delta" - i.e. the singular effect of change in stock by that entry, and the entry type.


  • Access to the Product access privelige

  • The client need at least one active subscription of a PowerOffice Go module

Related workflows

  • Transferring sales orders

  • General relevance for most api workflows if project is used as a general dimension


Product is one of the available dimensions that can be used on transactions i Go, for reporting purposes (ie grouping transactions on given products when reporting). The primary use of products are for sales orders (required on sales order lines), but the dimension can be used for the information the client see fit in order to structure the transactions and subsequent reporting for their usage.