
Workflows > Endpoints > Contacts > Employee

Purpose: Retrieve or update Employee details.

This workflow is typically used in cases where the employee information is needed in order to post transactions og salary lines. It is also needed in cases where the integrating party need to synchronize employee information to make sure that PowerOffice Go and their own systems have the same information about their employees.

Regardless of the direction of the data flow, we highly recommend that the integrating party store the Id's of the PowerOffice objects. In general, the id's of all the various PowerOffice entities are the preferred mapping key, as they are uniquely assigned by the system and cannot be changed.

Note: Employee salary details and employment relationships are not exposed in the API


Description of core flow

Synchronize to Go:

  1. Check whether the employee object already exists in Go

  2. Create or update information

The following information are recommended to include when creating or updating employees to Go:

  • First- and Lastname

  • Full address

  • Phonenumber

  • e-mail address

Synchronize from Go

  1. Check if there are any new or newly updated employees in Go

  2. Retrieve any new information


  • Access to the Employee access privelige

  • The client need at least one active subscription of a PowerOffice Go module

Related workflows:

  • Posting expense vouchers to Go

  • Reporting expence transactions from Go

  • Transferring timetracking entries to Go

  • Reporting timetransactions from Go

  • Transferring salary lines to Go
