Voucher Approval: External access point*

Workflows > Usecase > Voucher Approval > External access point

Use case: The external system is the primary point of accsess for vouchers (usually EHF or pdf e-mail receival). The system will integrate with the journal entry voucher and approval workflow in Go.


The workflow currently support supplier vouchers (incoming invoices or incoming credit notes), but will be expanded to other voucher type as we release new voucher types in the journal entry vouchers service. It is important that you contact and discuss your intended workflow with the api team, as the team need to set the correct privileges for your integration.

Core workflow:

The core service will be the journal entry vouchers endpoints:

  1. POST/PATCH any needed enteties that will be references on the voucher

  2. POST a journal entry voucher with the endpoint relevant for the type of voucher in question

  3. Store the Id of the voucher from the response

  4. Use the Id in the voucher page endpoint to POST a pdf/image file to add documentation for the journal entry view in Go.

  5. Use the Id to POST a submit for approval request. This will attempt to send the voucher for approval to the relevant user on the first tier of the approval settings in Go.

If the client need or want to have an approval flow in Go, the process can stop with the core workflow. If an approval process already took place in the external system, the client may wish for the voucher to be posted in Go without any further ado. This can be solved by incorporating the integration in the approval settings on the client.

Incorporating the integration in the approval settings

If the third party integration have the access privilege VoucherApproval, the integration can be set as a "user" in the approval settings of the client (via the user interface). This allow for the following setup:

  1. For the voucher type(s) concerned: Set the integration as the one and only approver

  2. When the submit for approval request is sent (core workflow), the integration sends the voucher to itself, and the way Go handles this situation is that the voucher will be auto-approved. And, since the integration is the only approving user, the voucher will be directly posted.

For external access point systems, this means that there is no need to integrate directly with the voucher approval endpoints in this use case. However, there might be reasons to incorporate and support the case of Go being the access point as well, letting the client choose where the voucher access point should be. If so, we have that use case described here (link til "Go is the access point")